Saturday, March 14, 2009

Let me have Courage

I saw this little poem on this blog and just loved it! I spend more time searching around on the internet then I do blogging, so I guess I can share little bits of happy that I find.

Let Me Have Courage

Let me have courage to believe in myself
not only on the days when I'm doing great
and nothing seems impossible,
but on the days when the world looks lousy and
I'm losing, and the road ahead seems to hard:
when I wonder if I'm brave enough,
smart enough, strong enough,
and I must be crazy to try.
Don't let me quit - let me have courage in myself.
No matter how many people
discourage me, doubt me, laugh at me,
warn me, think me a fool,
don't let me listen.
Let me hear another voice saying,
You can do it, and you will.
If no one else in the world cares or believes in me,
let me have the courage to believe in myself!!

Author unknown

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