Monday, October 6, 2008

Four Things

My sister sent me this email and I will reply here. So if you see this do it on your blog so I can get to know you better. 

Four Things

Four places I go over and over
Vincent's School
Fabric store

Four of my favorite places to eat
Olive Garden
Mustard Seed

Four places I would rather be right now
Somewhere warm
A date with my hubby
girls night

Four TV shows
(don't watch to much, but when I do these are them)
House Hunters
What Not to Wear
Baby Story

What are your four!

1 comment:

Stephani said...

Hey there, just wanted to say thanks for the idea on the pill that could help with the sickness, I am not opposed to the idea at all, especially if there is any potential I may be stuck feeling like this for the rest of this pregnancy!! So hey, if you talk to your dear midwife any time soon, I'd love to find out what it was, and I'll let my doc know, who keeps telling me to try drinking water (which is dumb because it's what makes me feel the sickest pretty much on contact with my poor stomach) hey, I'll tell her about this pill you took and maybe she can help me get with the program. Thanks!!